

a) You´re going to tell your partner about someone in your family, or someone you know very well. Look at the question prompts in the table and think of your answers to the questions.

b) Student A: Ask B about his or her person. Use the questions in the table but ask for more information, too. Try to guess who the person is.
Student B: Answer A´s questions. Give as much information as possible about him or her, but don´t tell A who he or she is. A has to guess if the person is a parent, boyfriend or girlfriend, best friend, a work colleague, et cetera.

c) Swap roles
1. Family

Where / Born?

Where/ Live?

Who/ Live with?

2. Occupation/Studies

What/ do?

Where / Work or Study?

Like / Job or Studies? Why (Not)?

/ Going / Change job or studies in the future?

3. Appearance and personality

What / look like?

What kind / clothes / wear?

What / like?

What / best and worst quality?

4. Interests

What / like doing in / free time?

/ Do any sport or exercise? Which?

What kind / music / like?

/Speak Foreign Languages? Which?
5. Your relationship with this person in the present

How often / see each other?

/ Get on well?

What / have in common?

What / do together?

6. Your relationship with this person in the future

When / you / see this person next?

What / do together?

/ go on holiday together this year?

Do you think / know this person / ten year´s time?



Exercise 1- Choose the correct answer

  1. Tom is ______________ than Mark.                       a) more intelligent     b) more as intelligent
  2. She plays the piano ________________.                 a)bad                          b) badly
  3. Whales are ________________ than elephants.       a)heavier                    b) more heavy
  4. My meal is ________________ than yours.             a)more worse              b) worse
  5. He doesn´t work as __________________ as me.    a)hard                          b) harder
  6. I drive ________________________ in the rain.      a)slower                      b) more slowly
Exercise 2- Put the words in the correct order

  1. Isn´t handsome as Harry as me.
  2. My than me. shorter sister´s
  3. quickly more than You Alice. walk
  4. well They as don´t speak you. French as
  5. yesterday. relaxed I´m today more than
  6. better is test This one. than the last




Present Simple (1) (I know, I don´t know)

1. We form the Present Simple like this:
Singular                     I                                 know
                               You                               know
                       He / She / It                          knows

Plural                      We                                 know
                                You                                know
                                They                              know

I know the answer.
She starts work at 9:30.

We add -s after he / she / it:

I start -> he starts                         i live -> she lives

If a verb ends in -ch, -o, -sh, or -ss, we add -es after he/ she / it:

I watch -> he watches
They go -> it goes
You do -> He does
We wash -> she washes

If a verb ends in a consonant (b, c, d etc.) + y (e.g. study), we use -ies after he / she / it:

I study ->he studies                                       I fly ->it flies

2. Now look at these examples of the negative form:

I don´t like that music.
He doesn´t listen to his teacher.

Now look the full form and the short form

Full form                                                                            Short form

I do not know                                       I don´t know
You do not know                                 You don´t know
He / She / It does not know                 He / She / It doesn´t know
We do not know                                  We don´t know
You do not know                                 You don´t know
They do not know                                They don´t know

Note that we say:
He does not know. (Not He does not knows)

3. We use the Present Simple:
  • to talk about things that happen regularly:
He plays golf every day.
  • to talk about facts:
She comes from France. (She is French.)
Greengrocers sell vegetables.
I don´t speak Chinese.

Be going to (plans and predictions)

Exercise 1- What´s going to happen? Write a sentence with be+going to for letters a-h with the verbs from the list.

buy        go          miss          play        rain            see        not swin              watch

a) He´s going to miss the bus
b) It _____________________________________________________________________.
c) He ____________________________________________________________________.
d) They __________________________________________________________________.
e) She ____________________________________________________________________.
f) He _____________________________________________________________________.
g) They ___________________________________________________________________.
h) They ___________________________________________________________________Berlin.

Exercise 2- Complete the dialogues with the correct form of be+going to and verb from the list.

Conversation 1 
A We ´re going to miss the plane!
B No, we´re not... Wait a minute.
A What are you doing?
B I _________________________ a trolley. I can´t carry all these bags.

Conversation 2
A __________ you ________________ your homework?
B No, I´m not. I´m really tired. In fact, I _________________________ anything- just sleep!

Conversation 3
A So, do you like it here in Oxford?
B Yes, we love it! But we´re only here for a short time. We´re going to visit lots of different places.
A Where _______ you ____________________ next?
B Liverpool. We _____________________________ the train there.

Conversation 4
A How´s your daugther?
B She´s fine, thanks.
A Does she have any plans for the summer?
B Yes. She _____________________________ in a bookshop for six weeks.
A _______________ she _______________________ a holiday?
B No, I don´t think she is.

What´s the preposition?

Exercise 1- Are the prepositions in bold right (V) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong ones.

a) What time does your plane arrive in Madrid? V
b) When I arrived to the museum, it was closed.
c) He depends of his parents to give him money.
d) I completely agree with you.
e) Can you ask the teacher to a photocopy?
f) It´s your birthday. I´ll pay back the dinner tonight.
g) Do you spend a lot of money on clothes?
h) She writes to him every day.
i) My husband´s worried with his job at the moment.
j) What do you think about my new shoes?
k) I can´t think about anybody except Pete at the moment.
l) How often do you speak at your sister on Skype?
m) Maria´s invited me for a concert, but I don´t want to go.
n) She´s fallen in love to her sister´s boyfriend!
o) Sally waited 30 minutes for the bus.

Exercise 2-
a) Look at Luke´s diary. Write the questions and the answers. Use the present continuous.

Dear diary, this is what I do at the weekends

Monday- Work 9:00-12:00 a.m.
Dinner with Frank 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday- Work 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Theatre with Yaz and Omar 7:30 p.m.

Thursday- Meet Sam to study 10:00 a.m.
Help Dad with the garden 1:00 p.m.

Friday- Dentist 11:30 a.m.
Party at Frank´s! 8:00 p.m.

Saturday- Go shopping- buy Ellie´s present 9:00 a.m.
George- Café Tivoli 4:00 p.m.

Sunday- Meet Ellie at station and Drive to Walws- with Ellie 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

1. / meet Sam on Monday?
2. When/ go to the station? 
3. Who/ take to the hospital on Tuesday?
4. When/ work?
5. /have dinner with Frank on Monday?
6. What/ do on Sunday morning?
7. What/ do on Friday night?
8. When/ go to the dentist?
9. What/ do on Saturday morning?
10. When/ play tennis?
11. Who/ see Saturday afternoon?
12. When/ help his Dad?
13. / go to the theatre on Wednesday?
14. / meet George at the museum?
15. What/ do on Sunday afternoon?

b) Write down one arrangement that you have each day next week. Tell a partner. Use the present continuous.

Defining relative clauses

Exercise 1- Complete the definitions with who,which or where and the correct form of a verb in the list.

borrow   build       buy           cut(x2)       design      fly       have           listen      look at    put on     sleep       visit           wear

a) A builder is a person __________________ houses.
b) A hairdresser is somebody __________ __________ your hair.
c) A library is a place ______________ you can read or ________ books.
d) A campsite is a place _________________ you can read or _____________ books.
e) Mugs are things _______________ you _____________ from.
f) An iPode is something ________________ you ________________ to music with.
g) An architect is someone ____________ _______________ buildings.
h) An internet café is a place ______________ you can see emails and _______________ a coffee.
i) An art gallery is a place _____________ you __________________ paintings.
j) Trainers are shoes ____________ people ____________ for sport.
k) A bookshop is a place _______________ you _____________ books
l) Scissors are things __________ you use to _____________paper with.
m) A pilot is a person ______ ____________ planes.
n) Lipstick is something ____________ you ___________ your lips.
o) A tourist is a person ____ _______ another country.





Exercise 1-Which do you prefer? Why?

Ask to your partner WHICH DO YOU PREFER?AND WHY?...

  1. Swimming in the sea or swimming in the pool?
  2. A holiday with your family ir a holiday with your friends?
  3. Watch a film in your language or watching a film with subtitles?
  4. Watching a film at the cinema or watching a film at home?
  5. Communicating by email or communicating by text message?
  6. Watching sports or doing sports?
  7. Doing English homework or doing housework?
  8. Reading an e- boo or reading a ordinary book?
  9. Eating in a restaurant or eating at home?
  10. Buying things in a shop or buying things online?
  11. Going on holiday in your country or going on holiday abroad?
  12. Listening to music with headphones or listening to music without headphones?
  13. Going clothes shopping alone or going clothes shopping with another person?
  14. Studying during the day or studying during at night?











Vocabulary= Confusing Verbs

1) Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence
  1. I love those shoes you´re wearing / carrying.
  2. Have you ever won / earned a prize?
  3. They met / knew at a party last year.
  4. Can you help me, or are you watching / looking at the news on TV?
  5. She looks / looks like her mother. They have the same eyes.
  6. Did you bring / take me anything back from New York?
  7. Alba´s looked for / found a new job which starts next week.
  8. Are people from your country good at saying / telling jokes?
  9. We got to the airport late, so we missed / lost the plane.
  10. Would you lend / borrow money to a good friend?
  11. I hope / wait that I pass my end-of-the-year exams.
  12. She´s wearing / carrying a really heavy bag.
  13. I´ve known / met my best friend for ten years.
  14. Do you like watching / looking at photos of yourself?
  15. How much money do you win / earn a month?
  16. You look / look like really sad. What´s wrong?
  17. If you need the answer, you can look for / find it on the internet.
  18. It´s going to rain later, so don´t forget to bring / take an umbrella with you?
  19. She said / told that she was sorry.
  20. Do you mind hoping / waiting for a few minutes?
  21. We had to lend / borrow money from the bank to buy a car.
  22. I´m always missing / losing my glasses.

Match the sentences

Exercise 1- Talk with your partner or try to figure it out the correct answer to complete the phrases below:

a) I couldn´t go in the sea because...
b) I couldn´t find the restaurant because...
c) I didn´t recognize my friend because...
d) I couldn´t seleep because...
e) I couldn´t use my mobile phone because...
f) I turned on the TV to watch football, but...
g) I couldn´t read the menu because...
h) I argued with my husband because...
i) I couldn´t eat the fish because...
j) I failed the exam because...
k) I couldn´t find my car because...
l) I didn´t wake up because...

I) ... I´d forgotten where  parked it.
II) ... I´d left my glasses at home.
III) ... he hadn´t done the washine up.
IV) ... the match had finished
V) ... I hadn´t brought my swinsuit.
VI) ... I hadn´t studied enough.
VII) ... the chef had put too much salt on it.
VIII) ... she had change the colour of her hair.
IX) ... I´d drunk too much coffee.
X) ... I hadn´t charged the battery.
XI) ... I hadn´t set the alarm.
XII) ... I hadn´t looked at the map.







Expressing Movement

Exercise 1- Can you think of?
1. Two places that you can swim across
2. Two things you can go up
3. Two places you can walk across

4. Three sports where you hit something over a net

5. Three objects you sometimes put into your pocket

6. Something a magician takes out of a hat

7. Two places you can´t go into without ticket
8. Two forms of transport you can get on or get off

9. One Olympic sport where you run around a city
10. Two things you might see if you fly over London
11. Two jobs where people take things from one place to another
12. Two things you can sit under if it´s hot and sunny
13. Two sports where you go round and round a track

14. Two animals which can climb up trees
15. Two games where you move pieces across a board

Phrasal Verbs

Exercise 1- Complete the phrasal verbs with a word from the list

After     away    back    down(x3)     for      forward to     in    off      on(x3)       out      over       up(x3)

1. I had to look _________ my sister last week because she was ill.

2. He´ll be really happy when all of his exams are _____________.

3. If you don´t know what the word means, look it ___________ in a dictionary.

4. Don´t throw the sandwich ___________! I´ll eat it.

5. Could you turn the music ____________ a bit? I´m trying to study.

6. To get a passport, you need to fill __________ two forms.

7. You should try ______________ the trousers before you buy them.

8. She´s not here at the moment. Can you call _____________ later?

9. Our teacher always tell us to write ______________ any new vocabulary.

10. We have to look on the internet to find ______________ down what time the film starts tonight.

11. What time do you usually get _____________ in the mornings?

12. They don´t get ____________ very well. They´re always arguing!

13. You need to take _____________ your shoes before you go into the temple.

14. I´m really looking ______________ _______ my birthday this year.

15. A- Why are you turning ______ the volume?
      B- Because I´m trying to watch the film, and you keep talking.

16. She´s looking __________ a new job. She´s not happy with the one she has.

17. Tim sat __________ on the sofa and turned on the TV.

18. Your room´s very untidy. Please pick __________ the clothes which are on the floor.

19. Do you always put __________ sunscreen before you sunbathe?

20. My brother is trying to give _________ sweets and chocolate- he´s a bit overweight.


Match the sentences

Exercise 1- Fold the sheet. Read the first halves of sentences 1-14. With a partner, think about how the sentences might continue. Use the past Perfect. To do this exercise, you´ll need to print the archive below:

Archive of exercise 1

arquuivo do exercício


a) Try to complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past perfect.


1- When they got (get) to the station the train had already left (already leave).

Now answer yourself:

2- She _______(be) very cold because she _________(not take) her coat.
3- The printer _______________(not work) because he _______________(not turn it on).
4- I __________(not can) take a photo of the crocodile because I _________________(forget) to charge the battery of my camera.
5- They ___________(never fly) before and they_____________(be) very nervous.
6- When he _______________(arrive) at the pool he realized he ______________ hadn´t brought(not bring) his swinsuit.
7- She ________________(just have) dinner, so she _____________(not be) hungry.
8- She _______ (have to) pay again because she _________(lose) her ticket.
9- The waitress _________ (run) after him because he __________(not pay) the bill.
10- The fire engine ____________ (arrive) after the fire ____________(go out).
11- They __________ (can) speak French because they ________________(learn) it at school.
12- She ___________ (be) tired because she ________________ (be) in the queue all night.


b) Continue the sentences with the past perfect (tip: Invent):

I didn´t recognize him because...
My father was really angry because...
When I got to school today I realized that...









a) You´re going to tell your partner about someone in your family, or someone you know very well. Look at the question prompts in the table and think of your answers to the questions.

b) Student A: Ask B about his or her person. Use the questions in the table but ask for more information, too. Try to guess who the person is.
Student B: Answer A´s questions. Give as much information as possible about him or her, but don´t tell A who he or she is. A has to guess if the person is a parent, boyfriend or girlfriend, best friend, a work colleague, et cetera.

c) Swap roles
1. Family

Where / Born?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

Where/ Live?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

Who/ Live with?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

2. Occupation/Studies

What/ do?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

Where / Work or Study?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

Like / Job or Studies? Why (Not)?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

/ Going / Change job or studies in the future?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

3. Appearance and personality

What / look like?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What kind / clothes / wear?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What / like?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What / best and worst quality?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

4. Interests

What / like doing in / free time?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

/ Do any sport or exercise? Which?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What kind / music / like?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

/Speak Foreign Languages? Which?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         
5. Your relationship with this person in the present

How often / see each other?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

/ Get on well?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What / have in common?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What / do together?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

6. Your relationship with this person in the future

When / you / see this person next?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

What / do together?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

/ go on holiday together this year?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         

Do you think / know this person / ten year´s time?
Personal answer                                                                                                                                         




Be going to (plans and predictions)

Exercise 1

a) He´s going to miss the bus
b) It is raining to do a picnic.
c) He is going to buy a taxi.
d) They are going to play soccer.
e) She is going to watch the TV.
f) He isn´t goint to swin in the beach.
g) They are going to see movies..
h) They are going to go to Berlin.

Exercise 2- Complete the dialogues with the correct form of be+going to and verb from the list.

Conversation 1 
A We ´re going to miss the plane!
B No, we´re not... Wait a minute.
A What are you doing?
B I am going to get a trolley. I can´t carry all these bags.

Conversation 2
A Are you going to do your homework?
B No, I´m not. I´m really tired. In fact, I am not going to do anything- just sleep!

Conversation 3
A So, do you like it here in Oxford?
B Yes, we love it! But we´re only here for a short time. We´re going to visit lots of different places.
A Where are you goint to go next?
B Liverpool. We are going to get the train there.

Conversation 4
A How´s your daugther?
B She´s fine, thanks.
A Does she have any plans for the summer?
B Yes. She is going to work in a bookshop for six weeks.
A Is she going to have a holiday?
B No, I don´t think she is.


What´s the preposition?

Exercise 1

a) What time does your plane arrive in Madrid? V

b) When I arrived to the museum, it was closed. X
Correction: at

c) He depends of his parents to give him money. X
Correction: on

d) I completely agree with you. V

e) Can you ask the teacher to a photocopy? X
Correction: for

f) It´s your birthday. I´ll pay back the dinner tonight. X
Correction: for

g) Do you spend a lot of money on clothes? V

h) She writes to him every day. V

i) My husband´s worried with his job at the moment. X
Correction: about

j) What do you think about my new shoes? X
Correction: of

k) I can´t think about anybody except Pete at the moment. X
Correction: of

l) How often do you speak at your sister on Skype? X
Correction: to

m) Maria´s invited me for a concert, but I don´t want to go. V

n) She´s fallen in love to her sister´s boyfriend! X
Correction: in/ with

o) Sally waited 30 minutes for the bus. V

Exercise 2


Dear diary, this is what I do at the weekends

Monday- Work 9:00-12:00 a.m.
Dinner with Frank 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday- Work 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Theatre with Yaz and Omar 7:30 p.m.

Thursday- Meet Sam to study 10:00 a.m.
Help Dad with the garden 1:00 p.m.

Friday- Dentist 11:30 a.m.
Party at Frank´s! 8:00 p.m.

Saturday- Go shopping- buy Ellie´s present 9:00 a.m.
George- Café Tivoli 4:00 p.m.

Sunday- Meet Ellie at station and Drive to Walws- with Ellie 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

1. / meet Sam on Monday?
Is he meeting Sam on Monday? No he isn´t.
2. When/ go to the station? 
When is he going to the station? He´s going to the station on Sunday.
3. Who/ take to the hospital on Tuesday?
Who is taking his mother to the hospital on Tuesday?
4. When/ work?
When is he going to work?
5. /have dinner with Frank on Monday?
Is he having dinner with Frank on Monday?
6. What/ do on Sunday morning?
What is he doing on Sunday morning?
7. What/ do on Friday night?
What is he doing on Friday night?
8. When/ go to the dentist?
When is he goint to the dentist?
9. What/ do on Saturday morning?
What is he doing on Saturday morning?
10. When/ play tennis?
When is he playing Tennis?
11. Who/ see Saturday afternoon?
Who is seeing Saturday afternoon?
12. When/ help his Dad?
When is he helping his Dad?
13. / go to the theatre on Wednesday?
Is he going to the theatre on Wednesday?
14. / meet George at the museum?
Is he meeting George at the museum?
15. What/ do on Sunday afternoon?
What is he doing on Sunday afternoon?


In this exercise you need to invent your answer and tell your partner about your weekend works like this:

Monday: College 8:25 a.m.-12:30 a.m.
English 16:15 p.m.- 18:00 p.m.
Study 18:30 p.m.- 19:00 p.m.
Tuesday: your answer
Wednesday: your answer
Thursday: your answer
Friday: your answer
Saturday: your answer
Sunday: your answer

Defining relative clauses

Exercise 1

borrow   build       buy           cut(x2)       design      fly       have           listen      look at    put on     sleep       visit           wear

a) A builder is a person who builds houses.
b) A hairdresser is somebody who cut your hair.
c) A library is a place where you can read or borrow books.
d) A campsite is a place where you can read or sleep books.
e) Mugs are things which you drink from.
f) An iPod is something which you listen to music with.
g) An architect is someone who design buildings.
h) An internet café is a place where you can see emails and have a coffee.
i) An art gallery is a place where you look at paintings.
j) Trainers are shoes which people wear for sport.
k) A bookshop is a place where you buy books
l) Scissors are things which you use to cut paper with.
m) A pilot is a person who flyes planes.
n) Lipstick is something which you put on your lips.
o) A tourist is a person who visits another country.


Exercise 1

a) V
b) XII
d) IX
e) X
f) IV
g) II
h) III
i) VII
j) VI
k) I
l) XI



Phrasal Verbs

Exercise 1-

After     away    back    down(x3)     for      forward to     in    off      on(x3)       out      over       up(x3)

1. I had to look after my sister last week because she was ill.

2. He´ll be really happy when all of his exams are over.

3. If you don´t know what the word means, look it on in a dictionary.

4. Don´t throw the sandwich away! I´ll eat it.

5. Could you turn the music down a bit? I´m trying to study.

6. To get a passport, you need to fill in two forms.

7. You should try on the trousers before you buy them.

8. She´s not here at the moment. Can you call back later?

9. Our teacher always tell us to write up any new vocabulary.

10. We have to look on the internet to find down down what time the film starts tonight.

11. What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

12. They don´t get out very well. They´re always arguing!

13. You need to take off your shoes before you go into the temple.

14. I´m really looking forward to my birthday this year.

15. A- Why are you turning up the volume?
      B- Because I´m trying to watch the film, and you keep talking.

16. She´s looking for a new job. She´s not happy with the one she has.

17. Tim sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

18. Your room´s very untidy. Please pick up the clothes which are on the floor.

19. Do you always put on sunscreen before you sunbathe?

20. My brother is trying to give up sweets and chocolate- he´s a bit overweight.


Um comentário:

  1. nos gustaría reconocer el servicio excepcional que recibimos durante todo el proceso de refinanciación. El profesionalismo del Sr. Pedro y el conocimiento de la compañía de préstamos fue impresionante y realmente apreciado. El Sr. Pedro es un oficial de crédito confiable. En el pasado, hemos tenido experiencia con varios otros bancos y hemos encontrado que el proceso es frustrante y tedioso. El Sr. Pedro hizo todo lo posible para asegurarse de que todas nuestras necesidades fueran satisfechas y que todo se manejara de manera completa y eficiente. lo hemos recomendado y lo seguiremos recomendando en el futuro.” Correo electrónico de contacto del Sr. Pedro: pedroloanss@gmail.com
