domingo, 24 de julho de 2016


GRAMMAR Future Forms


a) Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets plus will, shall, going to, or use the verb in the present continuous. Write the answers in the column on the right and use contractions where possible. Sometimes two answers are possible.

1. Person A: I can hardly lift this suitcase.
Person B: Wait. I  ´ll help  you with it! (help)

2. We ___________________________ on 3rd June at 5:30 p.m. We hope you can come! (get married)

3. I´ve decided that I ________________ a new job. (look for)

4. Person A: Do you want to come to Dave´s on Thursday?
Person B: I can´t. I _____________ dinner with Sam. (have)

5. My brother´s having a baby so I _____________ an aunt in a couple of weeks. (be)

6. That little boy´s cycling too fast. He ___________ off. (fall)

7. Person A: Can I tell you a secret?
Person B: Of course. I _______________ anyone. (not tell)

8. Person A: What time is their flight arriving?
Person B: I´m not sure. I _____________ online. (check)

9. Meg didn´t study for the exam so she doesn´t think she ___________ it. (pass)

10. Did I tell you that we ________________ skiing in the Alps next week? (go)

11. Person A: Is the air conditioning on? I´m freezing.
Person B: Yes, I think so. ___________ it off? (turn)

12. I hate it when people take photos of me without telling me. Please promise you __ any more! (take)

13. Person A: Your girlfriend´s really nice.
Person B: Yes, she is. I _________ her to my parents next week. (introduce)

14. Sorry, but I can´t help you now. I _____________ shopping. (go)

15. Do you think you _____________ work late tonight¹ (finish)

b) Cover the answers and read the sentences aloud. And then correct looking to the answers below;

13-15 Excellent
9-12 Quite good
1-8 This is difficult for you


1. Person A: I can hardly lift this suitcase.
Person B: Wait. I  ´ll help  you with it! (help)

2. We   are going to get married   on 3rd June at 5:30 p.m. We hope you can come! (get married)

3. I´ve decided that I   am going to look for   a new job. (look for)

4. Person A: Do you want to come to Dave´s on Thursday?
Person B: I can´t. I   am going to have   dinner with Sam. (have)

5. My brother´s having a baby so I   am going to be   an aunt in a couple of weeks. (be)

6. That little boy´s cycling too fast. He   will fall   off. (fall)

7. Person A: Can I tell you a secret?
Person B: Of course. I   won´t tell   anyone. (not tell)

8. Person A: What time is their flight arriving?
Person B: I´m not sure. I   will check   online. (check)

9. Meg didn´t study for the exam so she doesn´t think she   will pass   it. (pass)

10. Did I tell you that we   are going to go   skiing in the Alps next week? (go)

11. Person A: Is the air conditioning on? I´m freezing.
Person B: Yes, I think so.   Shall I turn   it off? (turn)

12. I hate it when people take photos of me without telling me. Please promise you   won´t take   any more! (take)

13. Person A: Your girlfriend´s really nice.
Person B: Yes, she is. I   am going to introduce   her to my parents next week. (introduce)

14. Sorry, but I can´t help you now. I   am going to go  shopping. (go)

15. Do you think you   (will/going to) finish   work late tonight¹ (finish)

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