a. Choose the correct answer. (USED TO)
  1. I ____ play football at weekends.          a) use to               b) usually
  2. Sarah didn´t ______ like music.            a) use to               b) use
  3. David ______ have guitar lessons.        a) used to             b) use to
  4. _____ to work in your office?                a) Did he used     b) Did he use
  5. We ____ to go out every Friday night.    a) used                 b) usually
  6. Where did you ____ to go to school?     a) used                 b) use
b. Put the words in the correct order.
  1. to Did in Michael Germany? live use ______________________________________________
  2. play to used basketball. I _______________________________________________________
  3. my used class. in They be to _____________________________________________________
  4. use like reading. didn´t She to ____________________________________________________
  5. We be friends. to use didn´t ______________________________________________________
  6. Jane? you go use to Did with out _________________________________________________
a. Choose the correct answer. (HAS/HASN´T ; MUST/MUST´NT ; HAVE TO/ DOESN´T HAVE TO)
  1. ____ go to the dentist´s tomorrow.      a) She has to     b) She´s to
  2. Children ____ eat too many sweets.    a) not mustn´t    b) mustn´t
  3. ____ to go to the meeting?                   a) Have we       b) Do we have
  4. Madonna ____ work tomorrow.          a) doesn´t to have b) doesn´t have to
  5. They ____ use mobiles in class.          a) mustn´t to      b) mustn´t
  6. You ____ clean your teeth.                  a) must               b) must to
b. Put the following words in the correct order.
  1. to next to week. go have don´t They school
  2. Do have exercise do 1? we to
  3. near play the mustn´t road. children The
  4. Does a wear to have James uniform?
  5. wear You clothes. smart must
  6. mustn´t the smoke in We cinema.
a. Choose the correct answer. (EXPRESSING MOVEMENT)
  1. He opened the door and went ____.                a) out      b) out of
  2. She ran ____ the stairs.                                   a) over    b) up
  3. They went ____ the old building.                    a) under  b) towards
  4. He jumped ____ the bath with a splash.          a) into     b) onto
  5. We drove ____ the motorway for an hour.       a) along  b) through
  6. She walked ____ John and sat down.              a) past     b) on
 b. Complete the sentences with one preposition from the box. (EXPRESSING MOVEMENT)

out of    /    round    /    through    /    out    /    to    /    over
  1. They didn´t go ____ last night because they were tired.
  2. The helicopter flew ____ the city.
  3. She jumped ____ her car and ran down the street.
  4. The train went ____ the tunnel.
  5. The athletes ran ____ the track twice.
  6. This bus goes ____ the city centre.
a. Tick A,B or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My sister ____ Italian.
A(   )might     B(   )speaks     C(   )do speak

1.  Take a sandwich because you ____ get hungry.
A(   )might     B(   )might not     C(   )should

2. You might ____ like the film. It´s very long.
A(   )to not     B(   )not to     C(   )not

3. My sister ____ Italian.
A(   )might     B(   )speaks     C(   )do speak

4. My sister ____ Italian.
A(   )might     B(   )speaks     C(   )do speak

a. Look at the following sentences and complete them with a missing verb.
  1. Maria doesn´t like her job. She´s decided ________ another one.
  2. I can´t believe it! The children forgot ________ the TV.
  3. I promise ________ anybody your secret. (negative)
  4. The students are really friendly. It was very nice _________ them.
  5. I was sorry ________ you when you were here last week. (negative)
  6. We don´t need ________ any umbrellas. It´s not going to rain.
  7. Remember ________ your father on his birthday.
  8. It´s often difficult ________ films in Japanese!
  9. It´s a very formal dinner, so it´s important ________ late. (negative)
  10. Peter is going to Bagdad ________ some friends.
  11. The tennis shoes were really expensive so my mother decided ________ them. (negative)
  12. Her driving license number is very easy ________.
b. Complete the sentences with used to, didn´t use to, or Did ... use to.
  1. Tom ________ live in a flat, but now he lives in a house.
  2. ________ Sam ________ be in the football team?
  3. I ________ like Anna, but now I think she´s really nice.
  4. These days, I get up at 7 a.m., but I ________ have to get up at 5.30!
  5. They ________ eat meat, but now they do.
  6. ________ you ________ have long hair when you were young?
a. Choose the correct answer. Infinitive with to (1)
  1. Adam wants ____ to Africa next year.        a) to go               b) go
  2. I went to Australia ____ in a bar.                a) for to work     b) to work
  3. Try ____ another holiday this year.             a) not to take       b) not take
  4. Would you ____ round later?                      a) like come to    b) like to come
  5. It´s nice ____ work on Saturdays.               a) not to               b) to not
  6. I decided ____ him the truth.                       a) telling to          b) to tell
b. Put the following words in the correct order. Infinitive with to (2)
  1. hello. say He to phoned                          _____________________________________________
  2. to went on relax. holiday They               _____________________________________________
  3. I test. fail not to the tried                        _____________________________________________
  4. went I the to Pyramids. to Egypt see      _____________________________________________
  5. isn´t It to polite. difficult be                   _____________________________________________
  6. to book? Would borrow like you my      _____________________________________________
a. Choose the correct answer. Verb + ing 
  1. ____ to work is good exercise.                            a) Walking             b) Walk
  2. What do you want ____ tomorrow?                     a) doing                 b) to do
  3. I like ____ languages.                                          a) studying             b) to study
  4. I´d like ____ your new girlfriend.                        a) meeting              b) to meet
  5. I don´t leave home without ____ breakfast.          a) eat                     b) eating
  6. Do you need ____ to the supermarket?                 a) to go                  b) going
b. Complete the following sentences. Verb + ing
  1. I´m thinking of ________ (get) a new job.
  2. ________ (drink) too much coffee is bad for you.
  3. It´s nice ________ (walk) in the countryside.
  4. I went home ________ (have) a rest.
  5. I ________ (not like) Monday mornings.
  6. Don´t leave without ________ (finish) your drink.
a. Choose the correct answer. (May / Might - possibility)
  1. ____ I have a sandwich?              a) May             b) May not
  2. We might ____ for a meal.            a) to go            b) go
  3. She may ____ take the exam.        a) not               b) not to
  4. He ____ visit us tomorrow.          a) mays            b) may
  5. ____ snow at the weekend.           a) Might it       b) It might
  6. They ____ to the concert.              a) go might      b) might go
b. Put the words in the correct order. (May / Might - possibility)
  1. We may to Australia. move          ______________________________________________
  2. eat not meat. might They              ______________________________________________
  3. glass have May water? a I of        ______________________________________________
  4. be It a might good match.             ______________________________________________
  5. She today. may call not                 ______________________________________________
  6. football He tomorrow. play might ______________________________________________
a. Choose the correct answer.
1. Christina Aguilera: How long ____ here in Sudoeste?
a) have you lived          b) did you live          c) do you live

2. Madonna: I ____ here two months ago.
a) have moved          b) moved          c) did move

3. Christina Aguilera: And when ____ working at this school?
a) have you started          b) you started          c) did you started

4. Madonna: Oh, I ____ here for ten months now.
 a) ´ve worked          b) work          c) am working

5. Christina Aguilera: Could you already speak Spanish when you ____?
 a) had arrived          b) have arrived          c) arrived

b. Put the following words in the correct order. (Present Perfect and Past Simple)
  1. The yet. started film hasn´t                        ___________________________________________
  2. in How stay Oxford? did long you            ___________________________________________
  3. homework Have yet? you your finished   ___________________________________________
  4. at Laura just arrived the has airport.         ___________________________________________
  5. three here ago. moved years We               ___________________________________________
  6. to been Peter has USA. the never              ___________________________________________
a. Choose the correct answer
  1. ________ TV now?                        a) is Madonna watching          b) Does Madonna watch
  2. They ________ coffee.                   a) aren´t liking                         b) don´t like
  3. ________ shopping on Fridays.      a) We´re usually going            b) We usually go
  4. Where ________ at the moment?     a) do you work                       b) are you working
  5. ________ some new shoes.             a) I need                                  b) I´m needing
  6. Bill ________ at home today.          a) isn´t eating                          b) doesn´t eat
b. Complete the sentences below using present continuous.
  1. ________ (you send) an email to Bill now?
  2. I ________ (not go) to work today.
  3. Helen ________ (not want) a new job.
  4. I ________ (study) Italian at the moment.
  5. Why ________ (she wear) that horrible hat?
  6. It ________ (rain) in Paris this morning.
Complete the sentences below with shall / going to / will or the present continuous.
Diana: I __________ (go) to Plano Piloto this evening.
            __________ (I / go) to the supermarket on my way back?

Gabriel: Yes, we need bread, milk and some fruit.
Keila: OK. I __________ (get) all that, and some eggs, too.

Matheus: I heard on the radio that the weather __________ (be) excellent this weekend.
João Henrique: That´s good, because my parents and Mateus __________ (come) to stay with me.

Dara: I went to see Fast Five yesterday at the cinema. It´s excellent.
           I know you ________ (love) it.

Dóris: Oh good. I ________ (see) it tomorrow.

Gardhenia: I´m sure that Luana and Lucy ________ (help) you if you ask them.
Ricardo: Oh really? Oh, my God!

Tomoko: ________ (we / eat) out tonight, Maria Eduarda?
Kana: Sure. Let´s go to Porcão?

Daniela: Do you think it ________ (rain) tomorrow?
Pablo: No, I don´t. Let´s have a picnic at Parque da Cidade.

a. Read to a woman talking about aspects of dangerous driving. Tick (X) the subjects she talks about.
  1. Mobile phones ____ in that factory.    a) are made                       b) is made
  2. Our offices ____ years ago.                a) are built                        b) were built
  3. ____ at an expensive school?              a) Were you educated       b) Be you educated
  4. Paella ____ with rice and seafood.     a) is make                         b) is made
  5. When ____ the Mona Lisa painted?    a) was                               b) is
  6. They ____ up by the loud music.         a) weren´t woke                b) weren´twoken
b. Read again and answer the following questions.
  1. When ________ (Hamlet write) ?
  2. The art gallery ________ (open) by the Queen yesterday.
  3. ________ (Pulp Fiction direct) by Tarantino?
  4. These pictures ________ (not paint) this century.
  5. Usually this dish ________ (make) with meat.
  6. The island ________ (discover) hundreds of years ago.
a. Choose the correct answer. (Should / Shouldn´t)
  1. He ____ buy some new clothes.    a) should to            b) should
  2. We ____ come here more often.    a) should                b) ought
  3. Sally ____ work harder.                a) should                b) should to
  4. You ____ eat cakes and sweets     a) shouldn´t            b) ought not
  5. They ____ to go out more.             a) ought                  b) should
  6. She ____ to go to bed late.            a) shouldn´t            b) ought not
b. Put the words in the correct order. (Should / Shouldn´t)
  1. say should think sorry. she I                      ___________________________________________
  2. You not ought to shout.                             ___________________________________________
  3. to go home now. ought We                        ___________________________________________
  4. of coffee. shouldn´t a lot drink People      ___________________________________________
  5. listen The to government us. should         ___________________________________________
  6. carefully. drive ought They more to          ___________________________________________
a. Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it is not necessary, put a tick (X) in the gap.

  1. He work__ in a bank.
  2. They live X in France.
  3. I watch__ TV every day.
  4. She go__ to work by car.
  5. The film finish__ at ten o´clock.
  6. We play__ tennis every weekend.
  7. They go__ on holiday in August.
  8. He speak__ Italian and French.
  9. She do__ her homework every night.
  10. We start__ work at 8:30.

b. Now finish these sentences using a verb from the box. Use each verb once. Remember to add -s or -es if necessary.

fly   -   study   -   finish   -   eat   -   sell   -   smoke   -   drink   -   live
  1.  He ________ toast for breakfast.
  2. I ________ coffee three times a day.
  3. My father ________ a new language every year.
  4. She ________ to New York once a month.
  5. He _______ ten cigarettes a day.
  6. They ________ in Ireland.
  7. He ________ work at six o´clock.
  8. I ________ fruit in a shop.
c. Write these sentences, using the negative form of the Present Simple.
  1. (He / not / live / in Mexico)              _______________________________________________
  2. (She / not / work / in a bank)            _______________________________________________
  3. (I / not / play / golf)                          _______________________________________________
  4. (Paul / not / listen / to the radio)      ________________________________________________
  5. (We / not / speak / French)              ________________________________________________
  6. (You / not / listen / to me)               ________________________________________________
  7. (My car / not / work)                       ________________________________________________
  8. (I / not / drink / tea)                         ________________________________________________
  9. (Sheila / not / eat / meat)                 ________________________________________________
  10. (I / not / understand / you)               ________________________________________________
d. Put in the verbs from the box, in the Present Simple. Use each verb once.


a. Complete the following sentences using the Infinitive with to. Remeber can be any answer, it´s personal so you can complete with anything, but add the infinitive to.

  1. It´s difficult to learn russian.
  2. It´s important ___________________________.
  3. I always forget __________________________.
  4. I never forget ___________________________.
  5. It´s possible ____________________________.
  6. It´s dangerous to see the mobile phone when you´re driving.
  7. I always remember ______________________.
  8. I promised _____________________________.
  9. I never pretend to be pragnant.
  10. I decided _______________________________.
  11. I need _________________________________.
  12. It was nice to study here, until the librarian comes.
  13. I never remember _________________________.
  14. It´s not difficult __________________________.

b. Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to.

  1. I ________ swim when I was five. My dad taught me.
  2. We´re very sorry but we ________ attend the wedding. We´ll be on holiday.
  3. Would you like ________ play a musical instrument?
  4. He opened his present before his birthday because he ________ wait!
  5. After living here for four months, I ________ understand a lot of Greek now.
  6. ________ you lend me a pen, please? I´ve forgotten mine.
  7. I´ve never ________ sing well, but my brother has a beautiful voice.
  8. I ________ read this menu without my glasses. Can you read it to me, please?
  9. We´re free tonight, so we´ll ________ come and help you if you like.
  10. My sister ________ ride a horse since she was four!

  • answers to the exercises

a. Choose the correct answer. (USED TO)
  1. I ____ play football at weekends.          a) use to               b) usually
  2. Sarah didn´t ______ like music.            a) use to               b) use
  3. David ______ have guitar lessons.        a) used to             b) use to
  4. _____ to work in your office?                a) Did he used     b) Did he use
  5. We ____ to go out every Friday night.    a) used                 b) usually
  6. Where did you ____ to go to school?     a) used                 b) use
b. Put the words in the correct order.
  1. to Did in Michael Germany? live use    Did Michael use to live in Germany?
  2. play to used basketball. I     I used to play basketball.
  3. my used class. in They be to     They used to be in my class.
  4. use like reading. didn´t She to     She didn´t use to like reading.
  5. We be friends. to use didn´t     We didn´t use to be friends.
  6. Jane? you go use to Did with out      Did Jane use to go without you?
a. Choose the correct answer. (HAS/HASN´T ; MUST/MUST´NT ; HAVE TO/ DOESN´T HAVE TO)
  1. ____ go to the dentist´s tomorrow.      a) She has to       b) She´s to
  2. Children ____ eat too many sweets.    a) not mustn´t       b) mustn´t
  3. ____ to go to the meeting?                   a) Have we          b) Do we have
  4. Madonna ____ work tomorrow.          a) doesn´t to have b) doesn´t have to
  5. They ____ use mobiles in class.          a) mustn´t to         b) mustn´t
  6. You ____ clean your teeth.                   a) must               b) must to
b. Put the following words in the correct order.
  1. to next to week. go have don´t They school   They don´t have to go to school next week.
  2. Do have exercise do 1? we to                       Do we have to do exercise 1?
  3. near play the mustn´t road. children The       The children mustn´t play near the road.
  4. Does a wear to have James uniform?           Does James have to wear uniform?
  5. wear You clothes. smart must                       You must wear smart clothes.
  6. mustn´t the smoke in We cinema.                  We mustn´t smoke in the cinema.
a. Choose the correct answer. (EXPRESSING MOVEMENT)
  1. He opened the door and went ____.                a) out      b) out of
  2. She ran ____ the stairs.                                   a) over    b) up
  3. They went ____ the old building.                    a) under  b) towards
  4. He jumped ____ the bath with a splash.          a) into     b) onto
  5. We drove ____ the motorway for an hour.       a) along  b) through
  6. She walked ____ John and sat down.              a) past     b) on
 b. Complete the sentences with one preposition from the box. (EXPRESSING MOVEMENT)

out of    /    round    /    through    /    out    /    to    /    over
  1. They didn´t go out last night because they were tired.
  2. The helicopter flew over the city.
  3. She jumped out of her car and ran down the street.
  4. The train went through the tunnel.
  5. The athletes ran round the track twice.
  6. This bus goes to the city centre.
a. Tick A,B or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My sister ____ Italian.
A(   )might     B(X)speaks     C(   )do speak

1.  Take a sandwich because you ____ get hungry.
A(   )might     B(   )might not     C(   )should

2. You might ____ like the film. It´s very long.
A(   )to not     B(   )not to     C(   )not

3. My sister ____ Italian.
A(   )might     B(X)speaks     C(   )do speak

4. My sister ____ Italian.
A(   )might     B(X)speaks     C(   )do speak

a. Look at the following sentences and complete them with a missing verb.
  1. Maria doesn´t like her job. She´s decided to look for another one.
  2. I can´t believe it! The children forgot to turn off the TV.
  3. I promise not to tell anybody your secret. (negative)
  4. The students are really friendly. It was very nice to meet them.
  5. I was sorry not to listen you when you were here last week. (negative)
  6. We don´t need to use any umbrellas. It´s not going to rain.
  7. Remember to hug your father on his birthday.
  8. It´s often difficult to find films in Japanese!
  9. It´s a very formal dinner, so it´s important not to be late. (negative)
  10. Peter is going to Bagdad to see some friends.
  11. The tennis shoes were really expensive so my mother decided not to buy them. (negative)
  12. Her driving license number is very easy to memorize.
b. Complete the sentences with used to, didn´t use to, or Did ... use to.
  1. Tom used to live in a flat, but now he lives in a house.
  2. Did Sam used to be in the football team?
  3. I didn´t use to like Anna, but now I think she´s really nice.
  4. These days, I get up at 7 a.m., but I used to have to get up at 5.30!
  5. They didn´t use to eat meat, but now they do.
  6. Did you used to have long hair when you were young?
a. Choose the correct answer. Infinitive with to (1)
  1. Adam wants ____ to Africa next year.        a) to go                b) go
  2. I went to Australia ____ in a bar.                a) for to work      b) to work
  3. Try ____ another holiday this year.             a) not to take      b) not take
  4. Would you ____ round later?                      a) like come to     b) like to come
  5. It´s nice ____ work on Saturdays.               a) not to              b) to not
  6. I decided ____ him the truth.                       a) telling to          b) to tell
b. Put the following words in the correct order. Infinitive with to (2)
  1. hello. say He to phoned                           He phoned to say hello.  
  2. to went on relax. holiday They                They went on holiday to relax.  
  3. I test. fail not to the tried                         I tried not to fail the test. 
  4. went I the to Pyramids. to Egypt see        I went to Egypt to see the Pyramids. 
  5. isn´t It to polite. difficult be                     It isn´t difficult to be polite. 
  6. to book? Would borrow like you my        Would you like my book to borrow?
a. Choose the correct answer. Verb + ing 
  1. ____ to work is good exercise.                            a) Walking             b) Walk
  2. What do you want ____ tomorrow?                     a) doing                 b) to do
  3. I like ____ languages.                                          a) studying            b) to study
  4. I´d like ____ your new girlfriend.                        a) meeting              b) to meet
  5. I don´t leave home without ____ breakfast.          a) eat                     b) eating
  6. Do you need ____ to the supermarket?                 a) to go                  b) going
b. Complete the following sentences. Verb + ing
  1. I´m thinking of getting (get) a new job.
  2. Drinking (drink) too much coffee is bad for you.
  3. It´s nice walking (walk) in the countryside.
  4. I went home having (have) a rest.
  5. I not liking (not like) Monday mornings.
  6. Don´t leave without finishing (finish) your drink.
a. Choose the correct answer. (May / Might - possibility)
  1. ____ I have a sandwich?              a) May             b) May not
  2. We might ____ for a meal.            a) to go            b) go
  3. She may ____ take the exam.        a) not               b) not to
  4. He ____ visit us tomorrow.          a) mays            b) may
  5. ____ snow at the weekend.           a) Might it       b) It might
  6. They ____ to the concert.              a) go might      b) might go
b. Put the words in the correct order. (May / Might - possibility)
  1. We may to Australia. move                  We may move to Australia.
  2. eat not meat. might They                     They might not eat meat.
  3. glass have May water? a I of              May I have a glass of water?
  4. be It a might good match.                    It might be a godd match.
  5. She today. may call not                       She may not call today.
  6. football He tomorrow. play might       He might play football tomorrow.
a. Choose the correct answer.
1. Christina Aguilera: How long ____ here in Sudoeste?a) have you lived          b) did you live          c) do you live

2. Madonna: I ____ here two months ago.
a) have moved          b) moved          c) did move
3. Christina Aguilera: And when ____ working at this school?
a) have you started          b) you started          c) did you started
4. Madonna: Oh, I ____ here for ten months now.
 a) ´ve worked          b) work          c) am working
5. Christina Aguilera: Could you already speak Spanish when you ____?
 a) had arrived          b) have arrived          c) arrived
b. Put the following words in the correct order. (Present Perfect and Past Simple)
  1. The yet. started film hasn´t                        The film hasn´t started yet.
  2. in How stay Oxford? did long you            How long did you stay in Oxford?
  3. homework Have yet? you your finished    Have you finished your homework yet?
  4. at Laura just arrived the has airport.         Laura has just arrived at the airport.
  5. three here ago. moved years We               We moved here three years ago.
  6. to been Peter has USA. the never             Peter has never been to the USA.
a. Choose the correct answer
  1. ________ TV now?                        a) is Madonna watching         b) Does Madonna watch
  2. They ________ coffee.                   a) aren´t liking                         b) don´t like
  3. ________ shopping on Fridays.      a) We´re usually going            b) We usually go
  4. Where ________ at the moment?     a) do you work                       b) are you working
  5. ________ some new shoes.             a) I need                                b) I´m needing
  6. Bill ________ at home today.          a) isn´t eating                        b) doesn´t eat
b. Complete the sentences below using present continuous.
  1. Are you sending (you send) an email to Bill now?
  2. I am not going (not go) to work today.
  3. Helen doesn´t want (not want) a new job.
  4. I am studying (study) Italian at the moment.
  5. Why is she wearing (she wear) that horrible hat?
  6. It is raining (rain) in Paris this morning.
Complete the sentences below with shall / going to / will or the present continuous.
Diana: I am going(to go) (go) to Plano Piloto this evening.
            Shall I go (I / go) to the supermarket on my way back?

Gabriel: Yes, we need bread, milk and some fruit.
Keila: OK. I will get (get) all that, and some eggs, too.

Matheus: I heard on the radio that the weather is going to (be) excellent this weekend.
João Henrique: That´s good, because my parents and Mateus are going to (come) to stay with me.

Dara: I went to see Fast Five yesterday at the cinema. It´s excellent.
           I know you will love (love) it.

Dóris: Oh good. I will see (see) it tomorrow.

Gardhenia: I´m sure that Luana and Lucy will help (help) you if you ask them.
Ricardo: Oh really? Oh, my God!

Tomoko: Shall we eat out (we / eat) out tonight, Maria Eduarda?
Kana: Sure. Let´s go to Porcão?

Daniela: Do you think it is going to rain / will rain (rain) tomorrow?
Pablo: No, I don´t. Let´s have a picnic at Parque da Cidade.

a. Read to a woman talking about aspects of dangerous driving. Tick (X) the subjects she talks about.
  1. Mobile phones ____ in that factory.    a) are made                     b) is made
  2. Our offices ____ years ago.                a) are built                        b) were built
  3. ____ at an expensive school?             a) Were you educated     b) Be you educated
  4. Paella ____ with rice and seafood.     a) is make                         b) is made
  5. When ____ the Mona Lisa painted?    a) was                               b) is
  6. They ____ up by the loud music.         a) weren´t woke                b) weren´twoken
b. Read again and answer the following questions.
  1. When was written (Hamlet write) ?
  2. The art gallery was opened (open) by the Queen yesterday.
  3. Was Pulp Fiction directed (Pulp Fiction direct) by Tarantino?
  4. These pictures weren´t painted (not paint) this century.
  5. Usually this dish is made (make) with meat.
  6. The island was discovered (discover) hundreds of years ago.
a. Choose the correct answer. (Should / Shouldn´t)
  1. He ____ buy some new clothes.    a) should to            b) should
  2. We ____ come here more often.    a) should                b) ought
  3. Sally ____ work harder.                a) should                b) should to
  4. You ____ eat cakes and sweets     a) shouldn´t            b) ought not
  5. They ____ to go out more.             a) ought                   b) should
  6. She ____ to go to bed late.            a) shouldn´t            b) ought not
b. Put the words in the correct order. (Should / Shouldn´t)
  1. say should think sorry. she I                      I think she should say sorry.
  2. You not ought to shout.                             You ought not to shout.
  3. to go home now. ought We                        We ought to go home now.
  4. of coffee. shouldn´t a lot drink People      People shouldn´t drink a lot of coffee.
  5. listen The to government us. should          The government should listen to us.
  6. carefully. drive ought They more to          They ought to drive more carefully.

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